Remove loose, delaminated concrete until the substrate consistes of sound concrete. The removal should include under cutting the corroded steel reinforcements by approximately 20 mm. keep the shape of the prepares cavity as simple as possible. Saw-cut the edges of the repair areas perpendicular to the surface to a depth of 12 mm to avoid feather-edging the repair material.
The final surface texture should be rough, with an amplitude of approximately 6mm. Remove residual dust, debris, and any contaminant that may interfere with proper bonding. This is done by water-jetting.
Completely remove corrosion from the reinforcing steel by wire brushing, abrasive blasting or needle scaling as necessary. Apply a protective coating on the steel after the cleaning process.
Absorbent substrates need to be pre-wetted to Saturated and surface dry, condition prior to application of cementitious mortars. This is to prevent excessive loss of moisture from the mixed mortar at the bond line to weakened adhesion.